About The Research Fund
Survivors of poliomyelitis and those with neuromuscular respiratory diseases know the consequences of living and aging with a disability. They also know that funding for research into their problems is limited.
Post-Polio Health International including International Ventilator Users Network (formerly Gazette International Networking Institute) established The Research Fund (formerly The GINI Research Fund) in 1995 dedicated to "seeking scientific information leading to eventual amelioration of the consequences of poliomyelitis and/or neuromuscular respiratory diseases."
The Research Fund had $600,000 of uncommitted funds in the spring of 2020.
What research will PHI support?
The initial modest grants will help support researchers, scientists, and clinicians worldwide to investigate the cause(s), treatment, and management of post-poliomyelitis and neuromuscular respiratory disease.
As it approves grants, PHI will foster new innovative research - both basic science and clinical - that will result in improved quality of life for people with disabilities, as well as support valid ongoing research.
The Research Fund has awarded ten grants since it's creation. The most recent was in 2018.
Donate to the Fund
Leave a Legacy by investing in the vital work of Post-Polio Health International including International Ventilator Users Network. One simple and effective way is to make a bequest in your will or living trust to support a cause dear to your heart or to a loved one. Post-Polio Health International including International Ventilator Users Network would value immensely being included in tax-saving estate planning – through wills, trusts, annuities, real estate, life insurance policies, and stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Contact IVUN to learn more or donate now by clicking below.
How will funding decisions be made?
A panel made up of peers and people with disabilities will review all grant applications that meet established requirements for respiratory research or post-poliomyelitis research. This panel's recommendations will be reviewed by the PHI's Board of Directors, who will make the final funding decisions.
How can contributions be made?
Post-Polio Health International is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3); Federal ID No. 34-0961952. Tax-deductible contributions can be made by check, payable to "PHI Research Fund," or on our Donations page. For more detailed information, contact BrianTiburzi director@post-polio.org with "Research Fund" in the memo line.
Additional contributions are needed to increase the corpus of The Research Fund so larger grants can be awarded.